Beta Testing: Ivan Godard, Bill Greentree, Michael 'Intrinsic' Schuster, Beth Davies, Don Henson, Bryan Robbins, Sean Aldous (, Justin Worrell, Chris Baer
Proofreading: Diane O' Brien, RobinRPH, Aaron Lenterman, Darin Takemoto, Yuanli Zhou, Jushua Mosher, Peter Hawkinson, Eric Kaye
Artist Contact Info
All of the fine artists who did work for Nethergate are available for freelance work. Please give them work!
Andrew Hunter
Brian Snoddy
8415 - 5th Ave. NE, #B1
Seattle, WA 98115
Benjamin Young
Michael P. O'Connor
1404 NW 61st
Seattle, WA 98107
Voice Mail: (206) 781-3824
Toivo Rovainen
1555 Lakeview Blvd. E, #E
Seattle, WA 98102
E. Jordan Bojar
Thanks to:
Mariann Krizsan: Spiderweb Software's radiant business manager, web site maintainer, jack-of-all-trades, and resident wife. You were helpful beyond all human comprehension.
All of the testers and proofreaders: For working countless hours for little more than the credit above and the satisfaction of making my game better.
The Celts: For being blue, nekkid, and cool.
The Romans: For being well-armed, violent, and cool.
A&E: For playing Northern Exposure and Law & Order during the day, and thus giving me extra shareware programming energy.
Comedy Central: For, as always, sustaining me during the grim, late-night designing hours. Craig, Brian, and Whitney, you will be missed.
Relevant Quotes:
"Real Artists Ship." - Steven Levy
"The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function." - F. Scott Fitzgerald
"I don't have low self-esteem. ... I have low esteem for everyone else." - Daria Morgendorfer
One Final Note:
As I put the final touches on Nethergate, I think back to its genesis. It was about two years ago, at the conclusion to my step aerobics class. We were doing crunches, and, as I ached and sweated, it suddenly came to me.
"What if I wrote a game like Exile, but the spaces in the dungeons had a height! Then, in the first dungeon, there could be this big cliff, and you couldn't find out what was at the bottom until you come back later with the item that let you survive a fall."
Two years, hundreds and hundreds of hours, and a serious case of burnout later, you have in your hard drive the result of those few moments of inspiration. So, in closing, let me give you one final bit of advice: "Never, ever commit years of your life to an idea which came to you when you were in extreme physical pain."